IT Solutions Leader
30+ year personable IT leader passionate about influencing and delivering admirable solutions seeking an opportunity to join an amazing creative team to thrive, grow and enjoy work with, while giving it a full two barrels.
Miro, Microsoft Visio, and Whiteboard aficionado for illustrating complex concepts clearly for all audiences.
Data engineer connecting and integrating cross platform datasets delivering real-time visualizations.
Cloud and premise systems expert delivering resilient infrastructure reliability for complex demands.
Senior IT Administrator, OPS, Database
Erie Insurance Company
2021 – Present / Erie, PA
- Lead consolidated data NoSQL database system implementation solutionist, delivering MarkLogic documentDB on AWS EC2 with Terraform IaC in GitLab CI/CD.
- Product Scrum SME leading IaC advancements for immutable upgrades, seamless migrations, and transparent capacity expansions.
- Data delivery team partner supporting data modeling strategy and efficiency growth.
- Refined and leaned immutable automated patching routines, offloading maintenance operations from our team.
Information Systems and Technology Manager
Erie County Technical School
2006 – 2021 / Erie, PA
- Member of executive leadership team for 15 years decisioning our $6M budget. Directly responsible for $500K annual IT budget, maintaining technology alignment with education strategy. Proudly achieved lean budget effectiveness over career, accumulating millions in realized financial advantage.
- Hands-on leader designing, architecting, and delivering low-cost solutions by personally learning, willfully empowering others, and prioritizing in-house success over out-sourcing.
- Lead IT decision maker and strategy sponsor coordinating with internal, state, and federal stakeholders to acquire grants, maintain standards compliance, and effectively grow operational success under budget with increased capabilities.
- Led my team of technologists, educational staff, and seasonal interns through device, software, process, and operational advancements with intentional escalation processes maximizing delivery efficiency.
- Led the migration from on-premise centralized IT to Office 365 with advanced VDI delivering online instruction to 1000 students in a cross-platform bring-your-own-technology (BYOT) landscape. Led the training team to ramp student, faculty, and administration with the new learning management system (LMS).
- Led delivery of an indoor and outdoor campus-wide wireless network leveraging SSO and dynamic VLAN increasing operational performance, simplicity, and overall network security. Early adopter of RUCKUS Wireless delivering 40% under budget.
- Led team of vendors, administration, faculty, and staff through scope, RFP, migration, delivery, and adoption from an aging legacy student information system (SIS) to a modern SIS resulting in improved educational effectiveness with automation, visualizations, and platform accessibility.
- Led and delivered the transition to virtualization on Hyper-V increasing operational efficiency including our flagship shared GPU AutoCAD and Adobe Suite HTML5 VDI infrastructure to deliver software from anywhere.
IT Operations Manager
Telatron Marketing Group
2005 – 2006 / Erie, PA
- Led IT operations center of 15 employees in multiple shifts for 24×7 support and escalation.
- Led solution discussions for rapidly growing data center to meet business growth strategy and organize IT projects.
- Worked with CIO maintaining policies and procedures toward regulatory and organizational compliance.
Microsoft Systems Support Engineer
Microsoft Corporation
2004 / Charlotte, NC
- Provided customer escalation support on Windows Server 2003, Active Directory, Exchange, ISA Server, SQL Server, and SharePoint services.
Technical Support Specialist I
Blair Corporation
2001 – 2004 / Warren, PA
- Led the deployment of Exchange 2003 and Live Conferencing infrastructure to reduce initiative timelines by 20% and manpower resources by 30%. Prepared and presented ROI (Return on Investment) and risk analysis of the implementation options.
- Led the solution and delivery of a clustered Checkpoint NG edge security infrastructure improving up time of mission critical hosted content.
- Led delivery of advanced network security with SSL VPN web portals extending employee, vendor, and associate access to internal resources while eliminating P2P and VPN overhead costs.
- Wrote custom Perl application automating near real-time data exchange eliminating operator processes.
- Provided instrumental expertise with VSE mainframe data integration interconnection project with open systems, assisting with the architecture and implementation of the data format, protocol, and network connectivity.
- Instrumental leading solution design and delivery team in the automated deployment of Windows XP to 2000 nodes from Windows NT.
IT Systems Specialist
Brooks Sports, Inc.
1999 – 2001, Seattle, WA
- Key involvement in the design and automated rollout of 100 desktop upgrades.
- Streamlined desktop support services through centralized software distribution and management.
- Maintained digital telephone system and carrier contracts.
- Managed merger of financial applications through a corporate acquisition including real-time data exchange across WAN links.
Electronics Technician / IT Manager
U.S. Navy
September 1993 – September 1999
- Served as IT Manager of collateral duty team establishing first IT support staff with undesignated crew members.
- Work-center manager of 10 staff in combat electronics communication technology service and support.
- Received Navy Achievement Medal for embracing IT above and beyond duty responsibilities and saving $70,000 in outsource expenses by learning and upgrading shipboard network to facilitate email communication and file sharing.
- Instrumental in connecting the shipboard network to the DOD network through SAT link and Fiber Optics.
- AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner
- Microsoft Certified Professional
- Checkpoint Certified Administrator
- COMP TIA Network+
- US Navy electronics depot repair expert
- USCG-MM 100 Ton Master Captain